Cat Drawing

Cat drawing requests come regularly from my clients, and fortunately I love to paint them! This page is dedicated to some of my cat art, and it will include drawings of wild cats too.

It’s a work in progress. I haven’t always photographed my art, so I’ll slowly add more examples here.

In the long term, my plan is to work with conservation organisations to help raise awareness. I already support WWF and Fauna and Flora with personal donations, but I will be donating a percentage of my revenue to them too. This includes all of my work, whether it’s teaching people easy landscape painting ideas, or sharing colourful artworks inspired by my garden.

I think it’s important to be authentic in what I do, so drawing animals to help the greater good seems like a good idea.

My donations also apply when I create pet portraits, so should you choose to have one painted you’ll know that I’m working for something that I believe in.

Cats Brought to Life

Being able to work in creative arts full-time is challenging. Art takes time, whether it’s a drawing, a book, or taking reference photos. I’d love to spend more time working on drawings of big cats, but these are passion projects for now.

In the meantime, I can bring your cat to life and my goal is to capture something unique rather than a run of the mill cat drawing. Cats are known for their quirks – from strong and feisty, to a lap-loving purr machine – which one is yours?

From artist trading cards (miniature art) to large paintings, I have worked on many commissions. Whatever your budget and style requirements, I can help.

Tell me all about your cats and I’ll do my best do create a picture you love. I have clients who tell me the cats eyes follow them around the room in my art, so perhaps I can give you the same gift?

Cat Drawing Ideas

One of the things I love about painting and drawing cats, is the detail in their fur and eyes. As a past cat owner myself, I was always tickled by the crazy and different personalities of these beautiful animals. I even wrote a couple of children’s books about cats!

At the moment I’m working on a drawing of Misty, who was a rescue at 15 years old. I’ll write a blog post about this once she’s done. It’s a happy ending, and a story I’d love to tell.

I plan to offer original cat art for sale as well as taking commissions. My preferred mediums are coloured pencil and watercolour, but often it’s a combination of both.

But there’s more.

As much as I love drawing, I’m also a writer, and I hope to bring awareness about conservation through my art and writing.

Cats Illustrated Children’s Books

In line with my big ideas, I started simply with some poetry picture books. I have created a free PDF cat activity pack for children which is linked to the Glitzi Mitzi series. My daughter did the cat drawings for these when she was 9, so it’s a special little project for us. Whether you choose to just use the activities, or buy the books too is up to you.

I will be writing more for children going forward, and you can expect some educational books too. For ease of reference, pop over to my books page for a look.

Cat Drawing Examples

Whilst this page gives you an insight into me and why I do what I do, I expect you also want to see some examples! I’ll add a few here and will also be writing regular blog posts to keep you up to date with my projects.

If you are interested in having a painting commissioned, please let me know.

You can also sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date.

Finally, the paintings I have for sale are in my shop, so just pop over to see what I have on offer. This might also be a good way to decide on a style if you’re looking to commission a cat drawing or painting.

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