Switch Off, Tune In

Switch Off, Tune In – it’s a term I coined several years ago.

It refers to the many benefits of allowing yourself time.

Time to create, time to just be.

Sharing my creativity has always appealed, but my self-confidence has been low. Over the past few years I’ve returned to the thought often, but only now is the timing right.

It was while my mum was in a care home and we were unable to visit that I turned to daily art and writing; it was the only thing that could distract me from the pain. Unfortunately, she passed away without us being able to say goodbye, but two years on things feel easier.

Now, life feels more hopeful and the time seems right.

My plan is to create somewhere to share my knowledge to benefit others, and whether you are interested in writing or art, there will be something for you.

It’s going to take a while to get things started, but filling out the form below is the first step towards joining me.

Thank you for reading,


Lavender paintings watercolour
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