Poetry for Everyone

Poetry runs riot in my mind. Whether I’m writing a book, distracted by painting, or travelling, there’s verse yearning to escape to paper.

I’ve been this way since I was young. I have childhood memories of scrawling and scribbling, sketches and words filled pages whilst I listened to music, and nothing much has changed.

The piles of paper in my bedroom are too precious to discard. Hidden gold may live amongst my midnight conversations with myself. Am I mad? Well, perhaps a little, but I’m also content. When words and art merge, I am satiated.

And so I’m here. To share with you my inner thoughts. Sometimes they appear as poetry, sometimes travelogues, and often art. When they all come together, the books allow me to share my voice with the world.

Poetry Books

I’ve started a new project this week. It occurred to me that one of the hardest things about being a writer is the time it takes to complete a book. It’s challenging to say the least, but that’s a whole other post!

Anyway, I have been studying the Faber Book of Beasts for my Arts degree. It’s an engaging anthology of poems, and when I put it down, I realised yesterday that the prospect of 70,000 words paralyses my writing. I won’t give up on them – I love to travel too much – but poetry is therapeutic and brings completion. It’s an underestimated necessity to a writer.

Now I plan to work on poetry books. I want to study them, write them and share them. It may be eco poetry, nature poetry, or middle of the night insomnia poetry, but it will be verse from my heart.

Poetry for Children

Let’s shift from the idealistic view I’m painting and shift towards our youth.

What better way to start life than with a cuddle and a book. Rhymes are fun for children to remember, and they sow the seeds of language and communication. I fear for our children, for their increasing reliance on technology, and for a diminishing desire to write with a pen.

Without understanding the importance and benefits of good communication skills, where will they be?

I don’t have the answer to this, but it leads me to the reason I’ve published children’s poetry books together with my daughter. Not only does it help her, but we also hope to inspire little poets and artists around the world.

Power of Words

Without words, I’d be lost. Writing allows me to unload my mind. I jest about midnight scribbles, but they are my friend. They ease me back to sleep, where peacefully I remain until morning.

Words matter. They build bonds; they break friendships, and they also bring joy; the latter is what I want to achieve.

From babes in arms, to those who have lived long lives, I want my words to resonate and inspire. I want to bring smiles, and to encourage children to pick up a pen. It doesn’t seem like much to ask.

It’s a new start for me. Retreating to write had always been a pleasure until I pushed myself to reach unrealistic writing goals. It’s time for the enjoyment and benefits to outweigh the struggles, and that begins with poetry.


Poetry for everyone. Writing websites and sharing the love of words
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