Travel, Art, and Children’s Books

Our books are here for both young and old to enjoy.

There is a theme here. I’m very much about the importance of spending time with family; whether through the children’s books with activities, or the travel memoirs sharing our experiences with you, the goal remains the same.

To inspire you to grasp every moment, to create memories with loved ones, and to be unafraid of trying something new.

Now, on to the books!


Clancy Goes to France is a travel memoir with a difference. This is a very personal account of a challenge I took on for charity when my daughter was 3 years old.

The book is dedicated to my father, who passed away last year.

I’m currently working on a new cover as well as a photo book to complement it.

The next travel memoir, Colours of Brittany, has been delayed until such time I can travel back to France.


“… Please keep writing, you have a rare gift in making people be at your side through all your adventures.”

“… A wonderful story. I was sad to finish the book.”

“… What a wonderful book.! Informative, funny, felt I was there on her journey with Clancy. A must read if you enjoy travel books.”

“… a pleasure to read!”

“… I’ve only kept one other book on my kindle, one from Bill Bryson. I’ll be keeping yours too.”

“… Emma’s journey, with the love for her father and their car is so inspiring and heart-warming. I must meet Clancy!” – Janis Winehouse (mother of singer Amy Winehouse)

Children’s Travel Memoirs

This is a children’s travel memoir with photos and illustrations. It’s the true story of our visit to Pont du Gard, and the second section of the book is full on information and activities.

Map reading, a recipe, and an introduction to ancient engineering are included.

We also invite children to create their own stories and art once they’ve finished, and we’d love it if you shared them with us. You can use the hashtag #painterlyponders to do this.

Fun, Rhyming Children’s Books

glitzy mitzi rhyming baby book

This fun rhyming children’s book was illustrated by my daughter. It’s an example of how creativity can help us learn.

Not only did we write the poem together but she also learned how to use the desktop publishing software, how to create a book and of course the basics of business!

It’s available at Amazon and other outlets.

Mitzi Goes to Paris is the second in our series of fun stories for children. They are available in paperback and eBook formats.

Don’t forget to sign up for the free activities that go beautifully with these.

Click here to view on Amazon

My Inspiration

This is just a little sample of some of the places featured in my books, and the art I create of those same memories.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be adding more pictures to relevant posts where I’ll also be sharing some painting videos. You can sign up below to stay in touch, and to also receive early reader access and discounts in the future.

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