Watercolour tutorials are in abundance on the internet, so this post is here to tell you what mine have to offer.
I am passionate about exploring the world of watercolour, and I believe my ability to communicate things simply and clearly to be a strength. With this in mind, I will add links to new tutorials as time goes on. This page is your main point of reference.
I will be taking you with me on my travels with my paints. You see, my other hat is a travel writer, but in recent times my wandering has ceased. In fact, I would say that watercolour has been my saviour of late.
Anyway, I have thousands of gorgeous photos from all around the world, and I plan to share them with you.
I’ll be adding to this post regularly, and will also send out a newsletter keeping you up to date, but for now here’s an overview.
Watercolour Tutorial for Painting the Sea
With Brittany, France, being my favourite place it follows that I love to paint seascapes. My technique is easy to understand and I will demonstrate step by step on different papers. You will see that you can achieve lovely effects simply.
I’ll also provide links to the materials I am using. From past experience I know that there’s nothing worse than reading an article, being told you need something, then not knowing where to get it!
Here's a little seascape inspired by Brittany ~ I'll be demonstrating this soon. It is painted on a smooth watercolour paper by Cass Art.
Watercolour Tutorials for Animal Paintings
I frequently paint pets for people, so it seems logical to have the camera running over my shoulder. Be warned, there may be a lot of pondering on these! In contrast to my loose, impressionistic landscape technique, in my watercolour pet portraits I aim to capture character. Tiny brushes and attention to detail required here, but I’ll certainly share my paintings with you.
Flower Paintings in Watercolour Tutorials
Where do I start with this one! Although I love to paint landscapes, I’m also fascinated by nature as a whole. In my garden, I pay attention as my seeds burst through the soil, and wonder at the way the leaves unfurl. This year (2024) I have a new camera and will be taking as many photos as I can of the lifecycle of plants, so I’ll be writing about flowers and botany on here too.
Watercolour gives your freedom to paint in so many ways, so whether it’s a botanical, illustrative, or loose and expressive artworks you’d like to create, I want to help you do that.
As I’m writing this, I can see my Hydrangeas sprouting new leaves, and they’re a great subject to paint. I also have Sweet Peas appearing which seems far too early, but it gives me a little pang of excitement that the days are finally getting longer. I can paint from first thing in the morning when the birds are chirping, and that makes me very happy.
Painting flowers provides endless hours of enjoyment, so I think we’re both winners on this front!
Learning How to Paint in Watercolour
Every time I leave the house I’m searching for landscape painting ideas. Being able to take nature and capture on a sheet of paper is something I enjoy immensely, and if I can share that with others, why wouldn’t I?
I’m also an advocate of the healing powers of the arts, and one of my goals here is to help others to benefit in the same way that I do. Providing tools and inspiration to make that happen is a natural inclusion. Combining writing with painting allows different creative flows; for me, painting is meditative and words help me clear my mind. Whether you’re like me or not, I guarantee you’ll gain from exploring your creativity!
Eventually, I aim to offer a mixture of free lessons, paid courses, and watercolour painting holidays. The reality is that many people take up a hobby but decide not to continue. If I can give you a fair go at learning and help you to buy the right materials without wasting too much time and money, I think I’ve done my job.
Should you choose to go for a paid option, coaching, or a holiday in the future that’s great too.
Watercolour Painting Books
How can I not? I am an author after all. In the pipeline is a book called Colours of Brittany. It is due to be published in 2024 provided I can get over to France. Unlike Clancy Goes to France, this book will be travel writing, photography, and paintings.
Like a painting holiday in your pocket, perhaps!
Links and Resources to Support My Watercolour Tutorials
This paragraph is the live section of this post. I’ll add links to this list as I create new content. It will include details about watercolour materials and why I use them.
I still regularly try new paints, brushes, and paper brands, so there’s plenty of scope for experimentation and growth, even if you’re experienced!
This month (April2024), I’m working on Corners of Collioure as well as some seascape paintings. The goal is to have a book and course completed before the end of May, and to have some free watercolour tutorials ready soon.
In addition, I am working on a course which shows you how to use watercolour pencils.
Now, here are some links to keep up to date with my latest adventures in watercolour!
Facebook : Painterly Ponders
You Tube: Emma Herbert Watercolourist
Pinterest: Painterly Ponders
And Finally
Thank you for reading.
If you’d like to keep up to date with my progress, receive notification of new tutorials, as well as discounts for loyal subscribers, then please sign up for my newsletter.
Primarily, this website, my adventures, and future projects are driven by my own passion for watercolour. The means I have to share it with you is through unique, travel related watercolour tutorials.