Watercolour is one of the easiest mediums to start, and one of the hardest to master!
I’ve spent the last ten years experimenting, practicing, and building self-confidence, and this page is a starting point for blog posts, tutorials, and advice about painting in watercolour.
Initially I am covering seascapes and landscapes, but I’ll also share my dog paintings. My long term plan is to help you to enjoy this wonderful creative pursuit, and to remove some of the guess work.
In the long term, whether you’re looking for landscape painting ideas, or advice on materials and techniques, my aim is to provide tools for painters of all abilities.
Watercolour Paper
It’s a minefield! Piles of experiments lie in my garage, but I’ve reached some conclusions. My demonstrations share with you the paper I use, where you can buy it, and the techniques that are best suited to the surface.
Both the featured image in this post and the seascape miniature are painted on a handmade cotton rag paper. They beauty of this? The texture in each batch is different, so not only do I get a unique sheet each time, I then get a surprise when I open the pack!
Watercolour Paints
Again, there are so many to choose from. When I started painting again it was with a WH Smith set, but have since narrowed down my preferred colours and brands. I tend to paint in a limited palette, which is one the keys to avoiding a muddy painting.
Pans are convenient for me when I’m on the move. This suits my wallet and my love for miniature watercolours.
This set is the one I use frequently, and I will be using it in many of my lessons to make it easy and affordable for people to get started. You can click on this image to purchase this on Amazon (for which I get a tiny commission).
You’ll see more articles about watercolour in the coming months, and this blog post will be updated with any appropriate links. I’m also creating printable PDFs and tutorials for your ease of reference off line.
Who wants to be looking at a screen when there’s art to make, after all!
Watercolour Pencils
I’m a huge fan of using watercolour pencils, and in fact I have quite a large collection of them. There is a blog category devoted to them too! The first post is up, and is called ‘how to use watercolour pencils‘. Even if you’re not a beginner, this is a good place to find new techniques and projects.
Travels with My Paints
As well as being an artist, I write. This joyous combination enables me to use my photos to create art from the places I visit. It’s a dream to let my readers enjoy the world through my eyes – whether it be through paint, photos or words.
Watch this space for more about this. I think it’s a good book project, actually!
Watercolour Brushes
I own a small selection of watercolour brushes which includes teeny ones. On occasion I will be found throwing water at paper with a large brush but more often I’m painting miniatures.
These allow me to capture moments fast… especially when I’m out and about.
In each of my videos I refer to the brush type, where you can buy it, and why I use it. All part of my quest to make your life easier!
Watercolour Tutorials
This one will take some time. I have to start somewhere so I’ll begin with short videos and written watercolour lessons to accompany them. I also think it’s easier to break things down into short lessons. A one hour video that you have to start and stop might not be the best approach.
Being an author, it’s also my intention to put all of this into books. I can’t let go of the writing, I’m afraid. Long term project of course!
And Finally
Don’t be afraid of this beautiful painting medium. Learn to be expressive and don’t seek perfection. The paint will have other ideas!
I do post on Facebook and Pinterest, but hope you’ll sign up for my newsletter. Through this you’ll receive new tutorials, art to buy, and of course encouragement to explore the wonderful world of watercolour.