
Painting Holidays in France 

 May 17, 2022

By  Emma

Painting holidays in France have long been on my to do list. Initially, I wanted to be a participant, but now I would love to host them myself. Having the confidence to do such things is a big step for me, and until now my role as a single mum has come first. Now, as my daughter is getting older, although she’s still my priority I can see a time in the not so distant future where this is a real opportunity.

Painting holidays seem like somewhat of a luxury at times, but for me it’s as much about the wellness benefits as the creativity. Immersing yourself in art is only the beginning of this, and seeing a beautiful creation emerge at the end is bound to give a sense of achievement and pride. Do you see where I’m going with this?

My Dream of French Painting Holidays

To those who know me, my dream of having a property in France is understood. I’ve toyed with the idea of a B & B, and I’ve imagined living a reclusive life as a writer and artist on the north Finistere coast. The truth is I still don’t know where I’ll end up, but the process of finding out is enjoyable! 

But my indecision shouldn’t be an obstacle to following my dream of offering painting holidays in France to those who share my passion.

The diverse landscapes and culture of France is much akin to a painter’s palette; the shades and tones vary in nature, and the more you look the more you see. In a place that offers a feast for all of your senses, the choices of where to host painting holidays seems to be a little overwhelming. My plan is to start simple, and with the things I love. The colours of nature, observations that evoke emotion and, most importantly, freedom to create.

Art and Wellness

This leads me nicely into my other desire, which is to help others benefit from the arts as a whole. As an author and artist, I find both painting and writing are cathartic. Whether you are using words or pictures, the arts allow your mind time to explore without inhibition.

When we sit in front of a TV or browse the internet, our minds are bombarded by suggestion and there is little time to allow ourselves downtime. My painting holidays, and perhaps writing ones in the future, will give you exactly this. You’ll leave with a sense of calm, with a body of work that you’re proud of, and hopefully full to the brim having had a feast – not just of delicious local food, but also of creative inspiration.

When Are My Painting Holidays in France Happening?

Well, there’s the million dollar question. Obviously, we are living in uncertain times. For now, I anticipate going to France in September 2022, and whilst I’m there I’ll be researching and finding accommodation suitable for the job.

I’m envisioning a five day package, and I will be happy to accommodate requests! By that, I mean if a group has a particular interest in flowers, we could do a theme of florals. If it were seascapes or landscapes, Brittany would be perfect.

I think at this stage, the best thing I can do is offer videos and articles, keeping you all in the loop and providing inspiration. I’ve set up a Facebook group for this, and I also have a Patreon page where you can be part of my community while you learn and have fun.

And Finally…

I’m in the process of editing a little painting video I recorded recently. It’s a taster of what’s to come, and I hope you enjoy it. I’ll post it on my Patreon page, and will also update this page once I’m happy with it. This will form part of my plan to share watercolour tutorials with you.

I think that’s everything for now. Once I’m able to visit potential locations I will update this page as well as the newsletter, and I will of course be using past trips for inspiration!

I’ll finish by saying that I really to hope to meet you in the future. All being well it will be when we’re breaking baguette on one of my painting holidays in France!

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