Colours of Brittany (#1)

This post is a short one. It takes me back to one morning last year when I looked across the Breton countryside.

Far reaching views were a feast for my eyes, and the shades of green and yellow sparkled in the late summer sunshine.

I’m not posting the photos here today, for this is just an introduction to this small acrylic on board. It’s an impressionistic view of the fields, one that will remain imprinted on my mind forever.

Fields landscape painting
Memories of Brittany
Loose brush strokes depicting varying shades of yellow and green.
Loose and impressionistic – capturing the moment.
A side on view – always good to look at things from a different angle!
Yellow landscape painting for sale
Simple dabs of paint make all the difference.

It is for sale and should you wish to buy this one, please click below.

Total Cost £50

Price £45 (GBP) plus £5 packaging.

Yellow landscape painting for sale
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